Catchy move to gain the attention of your customers. Hoarding advertisements are often considered billboard advertisements in many countries with very little difference in their purpose of advertising. Hoardings are separated from the billboards as these are displayed at construction sites, football stadiums, events locations, etc., often talking about the events that are unfolding behind them. Hoarding talk about the event happening or the construction taking place and are removed after the completion of the event. Similar to billboards, hoardings are capable of holding the customers’ attention and spreading brand awareness. These are also available in all budgets making it an affordable choice for all-size organizations. Marketers can use their creativity and the various display options available these days to make their advertisements come alive to retain the attention of the prospects. Visible to all the passer-by. Depending upon the target audience one can select the location. Cost-effective medium of OOH advertising for all budget ranges Spreads brand awareness 24*7 among the audience.